Professor and Head of the Department
B.A., M.A., B.D., M.Th., D.Th., (Senate of Serampore College [University] – NIIPGTS)
Church Affiliation: Assemblies of God in India
Contact Number: +919496101334/ +917907766823
Email: girikgltc@gmail.com
REV. DR. GIRI KRISHNAN hails from Kerala and is an ordained minister of the Assemblies of God Church in India. He is serving as the Professor and Head of the Department of Religions at GLTC. He did his B.D. studies at Union Biblical Seminary, Pune, M.Th. from Serampore College and and D.Th. from Bishop’s College, Kolkata, which are affiliated to the Senate of Serampore College [University]. Formerly he served as the Principal of Kerala Theological Seminary, Kottarakara, Kerala. He also served as teaching faculty at Union Biblical Seminary, Serampore College, North India Institute of Post-Graduate Theological Studies – NIIPGTS, Gospel For Asia Biblical Seminary (GFABS), Tiruvalla, Kerala and at Mennonite Brethren Centenary Bible College (MBCBC), Shamshabad, Telangana. Prior to his full-time teaching ministry, he engaged in Pastoral Ministry with Assemblies of God in India (Kerala) and served as the Student Counsellor with Inter Collegiate Prayer Fellowship in Gujarat.
Research Interests:
Hinduism, Vedic Hermeneutics, Guru/Mata Movements, Indian Philosophy, Indian Epistemology, Advaita Vedanta, Postcolonial Reading, Gender Justice, Hindutva, Interreligious Dialogue.
Academic Publications (Articles and Books):
- Śabda Pramāṇa and Indian Biblical Hermeneutics: An Inter-Cultural Dialogue, New Delhi: Christian World Imprints, 2015.
- Brahmajijñāsā of Śaṅkara as Theological: A Postcolonial Appraisal. Kolkata: Punthi Pustak, 2013.
Articles in Books:
- Co-other with Swami Raju two Chapters in a textbook publication project titled ‘Modern Religious and Secular Movements’ soon to be published by the Senate of Serampore College/University.
- “Serampore Mission and Indian Religions: Approach of Missionaries to Religious Practices, Caste and Conversion.” SeramporeMission: Perspectives in Contexts. Edited by Johnson Thomaskutty (New Delhi: ISPCK, 2019), 230-239.
- “Woman’s Role and Participation in Contemporary Hindu Religious Movement in the Context of ‘Gender Socialization’.” Religion and Women: Pilgrims in search of Justice and Equity. Aizawl: Lengchhawn Offset, 2018, 54-77.
- “Binary of Darśana in Postcolonial Thought: A Quest after the Philosophy/Theology Debate.” William Carey and National Harmony. Edited by Pratap Chandra Gine and Ratna Dutta (Serampore: Serampore College, 2012), 58-79.
Articles in Journals:
- “Discovering the Dynamic Status of Women in Hindu Tradition: Re-reading of the Narratives of Hindu Women towards Gender Justice,” Soon to be published in UBS Journal.
- “Overcoming Violence and Pursuing Justice: An Interreligious Perspective.” UBS Journal 11/2 (September 2018): 53-68.
- “Darśana: Philosophy or Theology?” Kerala Theological Journal 9 (September 2017): 25-40
- “Yoga, Ghar Wapsi and Beef Politics: Dance of Pseudo-Democracy in India.” Bethany Journal of Theology 8/1 (April 2016): 9-30.
- “Cow-Beef Politics: A Communalist Issue in India.” Conviction 3/2 (July-December 2015): 5-15.
- “Religious Conversion: A Convert’s View.” Ebenezer Theological Journal 4/1&2 (July 2015): 29-46.
- “Ghar Wapsi and Christian Response.” Kerala Theological Journal 7 (February 2015): 21-29.
- “Dhirendra Mohan Datta’s Contribution to an Indian Philosophical Approach to the Study of Religion.” Indian Journal of Theology 56/2 (2014): 90-103.
- “Communal Riots in India: An Exploration of its Roots.” Indian Journal of Theology 55/1 (2013): 15-22.
- “Hermeneutical Relevance of Postcolonial Theory.” Kerala Theological Journal 4/1 (Feb. 2012): 39-54.
- “Conversion: An Issue for Allegation? – A Convert’s Perspective.” NCCI Review CXXIX/2 (February 2009): 65-81; “Is Conversion an Issue?” Light of Life 51/3 (March 2009): 21-27.
- “A Critical Study of the Teachings of the Five Popular Gurus/Mata Traditions in Contemporary Indian Society.” THE SATHRI JOURNAL–Journal of Contextual Theology 2/2 (December, 2008): 24-98.
Devotional/Reflective Articles:
- “Enlarging One’s Tent: The Sky’s the Limit for Youth.” CODEX-2013 (2013): 11-12.
- “Youth and Consumerism.” CODEX– 2011 (2011): 30-32.
- “Dimensions of Conversion.” Light of Life (September 2012): 73-75.
- “Clay in the Potter’s Hands.” Light of Life 43/1 (January 2001): 61-63.
- “Religious Freedom.” Light of Life 40/2 (February 1998): 50-51.
- “Risking Church for the Church.” Light of Life 41/7 (July 1999): 35-38.
- “Unity: A Hallmark of Christian Life.” Light of Life 40/2 (April 1997).
Unpublished Research Papers :
- Discovering the Dynamic Status of Women in Hindu Tradition: Re-reading of the Narratives of Hindu Women towards Gender Justice, Faculty Seminar at Union Biblical Seminary, Pune on 14th January 2020.
- From Religiosity to Atrocity: A Historical Overview of the Evolution of Hindu Religious Tradition, One Day Seminar on Indian Religions for Administrative Staff at Mukti Mission, Maharashtra on 8thDecember, 2018.
- Serampore Mission and Indian Religions: Approach of Missionaries to Religious Practices, Caste and Conversion, at Center for Mission Studies (CMS) Consultation on ‘Serampore Mission: Perspective in Context’, at Union Biblical Seminary, Pune, India on 2nd November 2018.
- Religion, Violence and Pursuit of Peace: An Interreligious Perspective, Faculty Seminar at Kerala Theological Seminary, Kottarakara on 21st September 2017.
- Overcoming Violence: Interreligious Perspective, Seminar on “Overcoming Violence and Pursuing Justice: A Christian Engagement for Change” at Union Biblical Seminary, Pune on 20th November 2016.
- Methodological Issue in Religious Studies, seminar on ‘Research Methodology’ for the Doctoral students at United Theological College, Bangalore on 28th May 2016.
- Cow – Beef Politics: A Communalist Issue in India, Seminar at Bethany Bible College, Trivandrum on 21st October 2015.
- Ghar Wapsi and Christian Response, presented in a Faculty Seminar at Kerala Theological Seminary, Kottarakara on 30th July 2015.
- Communal Riots in India: An Exploration of Its Roots seminar on ‘Current Issues in Indian Religion and Culture’ at SCEPTRE on 31st August 2012