REV. DR. NELAVALA GNANA PRASUNA is an ordained minister of the South Andhra Lutheran Church (SALC) and currently serves as the Professor in the Department of Theology and Ethics and Dean of Graduate Studies at GLTC. She has completed her B.D. and M.Th. degrees and has bagged prestigious academic awards of Gurukul such as General Proficiency Prize and first prize in Biblical Hebrew. She has secured her doctoral degree (D.Th.) from Gurukul and the title of her dissertation is “A Feminist Hermeneutical Study of Dalit Women in South Andhra Lutheran Church.” She has been involved in pastoral ministry for three years and has almost eighteen years of experience as theological educator with administrative experience in various levels as Registrar and Principal of theological seminaries. She has participated and presented academic papers in various national and international conferences. In addition, she also serves as the Regional Expression Officer for Communion in Asia of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF).

REV. DR. SONGRAM BASUMATARY hails from Assam and is an ordained minister of the Northern Evangelical Lutheran Church and he serves as the Professor and Head of the Department of Theology and Ethics Department at GLTC. He did his theological studies in Union Biblical Seminary, Pune (1994-1998); Gurukul Lutheran Theological College and Research Institute, Chennai (2000-2002); and United Theological College, Bangalore (2006-2010), and earned his B.D., M.Th. and D.Th. degrees from Senate of Serampore College (University) in the year 1998, 2002 and 2010 respectively. He taught in Union Biblical Seminary from 2002 to 2004 and has been teaching in Gurukul since 2010.

Assistant Professor
B.A., M.S.W. B.D., M.Th., (Serampore)
Church Affiliation:Baptist Church
Contact Number: +91 7673928438
Email: blessingtondavid@gmail.coms