M.A., B.D., M.Th., D.Th., (Senate of Serampore College [University] – Gurukul)
Church Affiliation: South Andhra Lutheran Church
Contact Number: +919445553954
Email: ngpsalc@gmail.com
REV. DR. NELAVALA GNANA PRASUNA is an ordained minister of the South Andhra Lutheran Church (SALC) and currently serves as the Professor in the Department of Theology and Ethics and Dean of Graduate Studies at GLTC. She has completed her B.D. and M.Th. degrees and has bagged prestigious academic awards of Gurukul such as General Proficiency Prize and first prize in Biblical Hebrew. She has secured her doctoral degree (D.Th.) from Gurukul and the title of her dissertation is “A Feminist Hermeneutical Study of Dalit Women in South Andhra Lutheran Church.” She has been involved in pastoral ministry for three years and has almost eighteen years of experience as theological educator with administrative experience in various levels as Registrar and Principal of various theological seminaries.She has participated and presented academic papers in various national and international conferences. In addition, she also serves as the Regional Expression Officer for Communion in Asia of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and Secretary, for the Association of Theologically Trained Women in India (ATTWI).
Research Interests:
Christian Theology, Dalit Theology, Feminist Theology, Cross-Cultural Theology, etc.
Academic Publications:
- Engendering the Divine Image: Conversations with Dalit Women’s Experience. New Delhi: Christian World Imprints, 2020.
Articles in Edited Books
- “Christian Worship from Children Theological Perspectives” in Child Theology, Gurukul Publications & Christian World Imprints, 2019
- “Discerning the Signs of the Times: Towards a theology of Migration” in Migration in Perspectives: Towards a Theology of Migration from the Margins, Gurukul & Christian World Imprints, 2018
- “The Role of Women in the Reformation: Dalit Feminist Lutheran Perspectives” in Re-imagining Reformation: Essays in honor of P. G. George, Delhi, ISPCK, 2017
- “Freedom in the Cyber Age: Towards Life in Fellowship” in Ecclesiology in the Cyber Age, ERC/UTC, Bangalore
- “A Witness of a Lutheran Christian Dalit Woman in India” in Together by Grace: Introducing the Lutherans, Augsburg Fortress, 2016
- “Feminist/Womanist Discussions” in Christian Theology: Indian Conversations, BTESSC, Senate of Serampure College, 2016
- “Stories of Women in South Andhra Lutheran Church: Feminist Theological Reflections” in Missions at and from the Margins: Patterns, protagonists and Perspectives, 2014.
- “Towards Graying Gracefully: Explorations from the Fifth Commandment” in Sermon Book by Women, BTESSC Senate of Serampore College, 2013
- “Dalit Feminist Pneumatology: Towards Life of Fullness” in Towards Theology of Justice for Life in Peace: Minjung/Dalit theological Dialogue, , BTESSC, Senate of Serampure College 2012
- “Sixth Word” in No One Can Serve Christ and Caste: Sermon Guideline Resources for Lent, NCCI, 2011
- “Caste Branding, bleeding body, building Dalit womanhood, Touchability of Jesus” in Dalit Theology in Twenty-first Century: Discordant Voices, Discerning Pathways, 2011.
- “Fourth Word from the Cross” in Lenten Lantern: Réfections on Lent, NCCI, 2009
- “Dialogue for New Life: Dalit Woman and Samaritan Woman” In Identity, Survival, Witness: Reconfiguring Theological Agendas, Ed. By Karen L. Bloomquist, LWF, 2008
- “Dalit Woman” in Frontiers of Dalit Theology Ed. By V. Devasahayam, Gurukul Publications, 1996
Articles in Journals and Magazines
- Jesus Masculinity: Revelation of Male God? Feminist Discussions, Gurukul Journal of Theological Studies, Vol XXV, No. 1, October, 2019
- The Future of Dalit Women’s Theology: Pastoral Perspectives, Religion and Society, Vol. 64 No. 2, April, 2019
- “Jesus’ Masculinity: Indian Women’s Christological Perspectives” in Religion & Society, Vol 63, No. 4, October 2018
- “They have no Wine”: A Challenge to the United Church from Gender Perspective, Gurukul Jyothi, 2017-2018
- “Mission: Befreit zu neuer Wurde” in English “Mission: Liberated to New Dignity” in https://www.elm-mission.net/spenden/kollekten/kollektenmaterial-hannover.html, January 2018.
- “Re-visiting Babylonian Captivity: Feminist Perspectives” in Master’s Journal of Theology, Vol. 6, Issue 1 & 2, January – December 2017
- “Liberated from the Dust” in MITTEN, Germany. 2015
- “On Becoming a Dalit Feminist Theologian of the Cross” Gurukul Journal of Theological Studies, June 2011
- “Towards Dalit Feminist Theology: Re-visiting the Image of God” in Ecumenical Horizon, Vol. 2, No.1, 2008-2009
- “Lost and Found Coin: Dalit Feminist Hermeneutical Explorations of Luke 15:8-10” in In God’s Image, September, 2009
- “Gandhian Ideals in the Freedom Struggle: Towards Theology of Reconciliation” In God’s Image, September, 2008
- “Dalit Woman: Oppressed of the Oppressed” in In God’s Image, September, 2007