Assistant Professor
B.Th.,B.D., M.Th.,(Senate of Serampore College [University] – Gurukul)
Church Affiliation: Church of South India
Contact Number: +919941740018
Email: rebecca_azariah20@yahoo.com
MRS. REBECCA AZARIAH is from the Church of South India (Madras Diocese) and currently serving as Assistant Professor of Missiology at GLTC. She had completed her B.D. and M.Th. studies at the Gurukul Lutheran Theological College and Research Institute, Chennai. Mrs. Rebecca has sixteen years of teaching experience as Lecturer at the Hindustan Bible Institute, Chennai, Nagaland Bible College, Mokochung, New Life Bible College, Dimapur, Southern Asia Christian College, Chennai, Indian Theological Seminary, Chennai, and Madras Theological Seminary & College, Chennai. She holds various responsibilities such as Staff Secretary, Dean of Martin Luther Library, Gurukul, and Warden of Women’s Hostel. She has presented papers and written a few articles which are published in various national journals. She is also actively involved in preaching in churches of different denominations. She has been guiding several Graduate students in thesis writing.