Assistant Professor
B.Sc., B.D., M.Th., Ph.D. (Islam)
Church Affiliation: Church of South India
Contact Number: +919488523602
Email: birla27@gmail.com
Rev. Dr. J.M.P. Thomas Birla is a Presbyter of the Church of North India and serves as the Assistant Professor of Religion at Gurukul Lutheran Theological College and Research Institute. He has completed his B.D. from Bishop’s College, Kolkata and M.Th from the North India Institute of Post-Graduate Theological Studies (NIIPGTS) with specialization in Islam. He has earned his Ph.D from Shuats.
Research Interests:
Islamic Philosophy, Inter-Faith Relations and Forced Migration
Papers Published :
- ‘The Hizmet Movement and Christian-Muslim Understanding’ published by Journal of the Henry Martyn Institute, Vol.33, No. 1, January – June 2014.
- ‘The Hizmet Movement’ – in Socio-Religious Movements-I, published by Jeevadhara, Edited by Vincent Sekhar, Vol. XLIV, No. 263, 2014.
- Transforming Reformation: Reformation in perspectives, “The Teaching of ‘Priesthood of all Believers’ in Today’s Pluralistic Context” published by Gurukul Publication, 2017.
- Migration in Perspectives: Towards Theology of Migration from the Margins, “Is God Still the Refuge for Refugees: An Interfaith Perspective” – Gurukul Publication, 2018.
- ‘Theological Reflections on the Plight of HIV/AIDS Victims in India’ – Gurukul Journal of Theological Studies, 2019.
- Embracing Childhood-Embodying Childness: Relocating Children in Church and Society, “Children in Inter-Religious Engagements” published by Gurukul Publication, 2019.
Unpublished Papers :
- Indian Muslims’ Approach in Covid-19 Pandemic.
- Mata Amritanandamayi Devi: Highlights on the Teachings and Social Engagements.
- Commodification of Culture and Religion.