Professor and Head of the DepartmentB.A., B.D., M.Th., D.Th., (Senate of Serampore College [University] –UTC)
Church Affiliation: Northern Evangelical Lutheran Church
Contact Number: 044-42651061/72
Contact Number: +919884749271
REV. DR. SONGRAM BASUMATARY hails from Assam and is an ordained minister of the Northern Evangelical Lutheran Church and he serves as the Professor and Head of the Department of Theology and Ethics Department at GLTC. He did his theological studies in Union Biblical Seminary, Pune (1994-1998); Gurukul Lutheran Theological College and Research Institute, Chennai (2000-2002); and United Theological College, Bangalore (2006-2010), and earned his B.D., M.Th. and D.Th. degrees from Senate of Serampore College (University) in the year 1998, 2002 and 2010 respectively. He taught in Union Biblical Seminary from 2002 to 2004 and has been teaching in Gurukul since 2010.
Publications (Articles & Books):
- “Necessity and Sensibility of Tribal Theology.” In Margins in Conversation: Methodological Discourses in Theological Disciplines. Edited by J.P. Dayam and P. Mohan Lalbeer. Bangalore: BTESSE, 2012.
- “Sunshine before Sunrise, Darkness before Sunset: India’s North-East and North-East’s India.” Staff Seminar, Gurukul, September 28, 2011; Gurukul Journal of Theological Studies, 2011 Jan. Issue.
- “Christian Identity vs Ethnic Identity.” July 19, 2010. The Lausanne Global Conversation accessed May 14, 2011.
- “The Future of Lutheran Theology and Lutheran Communion in India.” [Gurukul Journal of Theological Studies, 2011 June Issue.
- “Theology of Community: Luther and Indigenous.” [Gurukul Journal of Theological Studies, 2011 June Issue]
- “Stories of Lutherans from North India.” In Abundant Harvest: Stories of Asian Lutherans. Edited by Edmond Yee and J. Paul William Rajashekar. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Lutheran University Press, 2013.
- “Biography of Bishop Nirmal Minz.” In Abundant Harvest…
- “Biography of Bishop Nityananda Borgoary.” In Abundant Harvest…
- Ethnicity and Tribal Theology: Problems and Prospects for Peaceful Co-existence in Northeast India. Peter Lang, 2014. [BOOK]
- “The Role of Hermeneutics in Indian Christian Theological Discussions.” In Christian Theology: Indian Conversations. Ed. Samuel George and P. Mohan Larbeer. Bangalore: BTESSC, 2016.
- “Luther in Context.” In Reformation Spirituality. Ed. Mammen Varkey and John M. Itty. Mavelikara: Vichara, 2017.
- “Mission of Power and Power of Mission in Mission Abandoned Assam: The Mission among the Assamese and Boros.” Bangalore Theological Forum XLVIII/1 (June 2016): 92-106.
- “Mission of Power and Power of Mission: The Mission among the Assamese and Boros.” In Witnessing to Christ in North East India, edited by Marina Ngursangzeli and Michael Biehl, 154-167. Oxford: Regnum Books International, 2016.
- “Faith and Freedom – Liberty and Responsibility.” Article in Gurukul Jyoti, 2017.
- “Christianity and Public Sphere in India: A View from North East India.” In Indian Journal of Christian Studies 5/1&2 (January-December 2016): 36-54.
- “North East Indian Secular Spirituality?: An Exploration towards Sacred-secular Spirituality.” In Religion, Spirituality and Secularity in Multi-Religious India: Visions & Experiments. Edited by Israel Selvanayagam. Pune/New Delhi: ATTI/Christian World Imprints, 2017.
- “Church Reformed and Always Reforming: Reformation and Indigenous Communities.” Religion and Society, 62/1&2 (March-June 2017): 71-90.
- “Reformation and Indigenous Communities.” In Church Reformed and Always Reforming. Edited by Vincent Rajkumar (Bangalore: CISRS, 2017).
- “Trends of Tribal Awakening in North East India since 1947.” Paper presented in 60th Anniversary of CISRS, Consortium on Revisit to Revision
- Transforming Reformation: Reformation in Perspectives. Chennai, New Delhi: Gurukul/CWI, 2017. [Edited Book]
- “Re-look at Reformation and Theological Challenges of Martin Luther towards Transforming Reformation.” In Transforming Reformation: Reformation in Perspectives. Edited by Songram Basumatary. Chennai, New Delhi: Gurukul Publications/CWI, 2017.
- “Re-locating Epistemology and Methodology from the Perspective of the Margins” and “Re-imagining “Church” as Ekklēsia – A Community of Communities.” In Discerning the Signs of the Time and Theological Methodology from the Margins (Forthcoming Theological Text Book of SSC).
- Migration in Perspectives: Towards Theology of Migration from the Margins. Chennai/New Delhi: Gurukul Publications/CWI 2018. [Edited Book]
- Contributor in Luther’s Small Cathechism: An Exposition of the Christian Faith in Asian Contexts and Cultures. Chicago/Delhi: AAPPI-ELCA/CWI, 2019.
- “Singing Strange Songs in Our own Lands: Towards Asian Ethnodoxology.” Asian Lutheran International Conference, 2019.
- Yours History is not Our History: Re-imaging Colonial Historiography of Christianity and Tribes of NEI. Co-author with Walotemjen. New Delhi: CWI, 2019.
- Embracing Childhood-Embodying Childness: Relocating Children in Church and Society, Edited with Gladson Jathanna. New Delhi: CWI, 2020.
- The Quest for Meaning in Boro Orality.” In Voices from the Margins: The Wisdom of Primal peoples in North East India in the Era of World Christianity. [Forthcoming]